Currently, I've upped my activity level quite a bit. With
the possibility of that re-piping under the house, and the moving of stuff
inside here to allow access to the pipes inside the walls, I've been very busy.
I've been lifting, toting, carrying, packing, sorting, and even donating.
Along the way, I'm gifting some things to a dear friend,
others to a local charity, and tossing stuff that should have been tossed
Add to that the fact that everything revolves around water
usage. I have a neighbor who keeps filling up water jugs for me to use. But
that means carrying them in, two at a time, every other day. It means pouring
water to rinse my dishes and to wash my dishes; it means pouring water for
drinking. Veggies and fruits need to be rinsed. And of course there are normal
bathroom concerns. It is all reasonably easy to do, but there is so much of it.
We take our water usage for granted, and it is something I will never do again.
My concern is that I do not want it to get so stressful that
I make myself sick. That will not help me down the line. I have enough active
brain cells left to know that much.
So I will try to be wise and not go overboard. I had a taste
of that when I fell the other day. Thankfully, nothing was broken. But it was
enough to remind me that aside from eternal happiness, our health is one of our
biggest responsibilities to ourselves.
Yep, I will keep on keeping on, but I will be sensible about
how much I pressure myself in doing so.
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