Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Thank You for Your Prayers - You Are Amazing

When I asked for prayers last night, I knew that some would mention online that you had sent up a prayer or two. I also knew that some of you would do that and not have time to mention it. 

You are amazing - you have no idea of the power of your prayers. I posted that note last night around 9 p.m.

Before Noon today, my concerns were eased and the problem was resolved. 

I know I usually mention what I need prayers for, but occasionally, something is too private to mention publicly. We each have worries, troubles - it can be medical, physical, emotional, financial, or anything else.

So remember, if you ever need prayers, don't feel you must declare every detail online - even those of us with little time to spare can offer a simple, "Lord, hear this prayer." 

Thank you, each of you. You have no idea how much better I will sleep tonight.

Thank you, Father, for hearing my prayer and the prayers of my friends. I had no hope of such a quick and thorough answer to these prayers. Please bless my friends abundantly for their love and caring, and for their faith in you!

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