Thursday, November 6, 2014

About the Platypus and God’s Infinite Creativity

I was talking on the phone to my brother in another state tonight. We somehow got onto the subject of God’s creativity. One thing led to another and I told him how I loved the way my nephew (more like my son) used to look at one angle of this.

He used to say that God made all the animals and plants, many, many varieties. Then, when he was finished, he had all these pieces left over - and he made the Platypus. Frank always, from toddler on up, felt the Platypus was the silliest looking of all God’s creatures. Some would agree.

But it did make me think, as it often does when I remember his view of this poor creature, of lots of things.

God created what is probably an infinite variety of plants, animals, and yes, even human beings. Each is a wonder in itself. 

It reminds me that I really should try, always, to find God’s hand in the personality of every human he places on my life’s path, no matter how Platypus-silly they seem to be. If God created this person, there is worth in there somewhere. It just might take a while for me to find it.

Jesus, you treated everyone you met in your 33 years on earth with respect and love, no matter what their calling, no matter how sinful, no matter how silly or crude. Please bless me as often as I need it with that way of looking at each person I find on my life’s path.  

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