Monday, September 1, 2014

Wonderful Relief from Some Worries for a Few Weeks

Last night, I realized it was the first month-end, since my nephew passed (2/1) and the household lost his income as well as his presence, that I didn’t go to bed fearful of what might be cut off during the night. I enter each month with a few hundred as a short-fall.

Early this month, I did learn that Medicaid would cover my Medicare payments now, and that lessens the shortfall a little. I also learned at the same time that they are changing my SS payment date from mid-month to the 3rd. That means I needn’t worry about fines for late payment on my space rent each month. Another little break.

Around Wednesday this week, the worries loomed large. Mid-day, I suddenly remembered that a year or so ago, when Frank was trying to get on disability, we learned that the County offered a once-a-year cash payment of a few hundred. I really didn’t think I qualified at that point, but I took a chance and called them. I was happy to learn that they have a program for Senior Financial Assistance, once a year, for a few hundred. I downloaded the forms and checklist. I became the Tasmanian Devil, whirling through the clutter for the various pieces of paperwork. I was at their door the next morning, at 7, and even though they do not open until 8, there were already 10 ahead of me. I left there at 9:30 with an appointment for two weeks ahead.

This was worrisome in itself. I had hoped to either get the cash then and there, or get a paper verifying I would get the cash so I could call the power company and my phone/tv/internet provider. That was the 28th and that was the day they planned a cut off if I didn’t fulfill my payment promises.

I had no such paper and no cash. I took a deep breath, and called.  I was blessed with the right agents. Both places gave me until the 3rd. I am sure that if my SS was still coming in at mid-month, that wouldn’t have happened. I sure hope they told me right about the 3rd.

Anyhow, I went to bed that night more relaxed than I had in many months. Mostly, this means that when I get the assistance mid-month from the County, I can reimburse my funds with enough to cover August’s bills. I will deal with the end of September when that time approaches.

Meanwhile, I have several weeks when, if no crisis appears, my stress level is much lighter.
I am a gal of faith. I do believe God will take care of me. So I know I sound like a hypocrite when I say that on one hand, and on another hand, I say I really worry. It is simply that we are both spiritual and human beings. Thankfully, He blesses me with enough faith to help me keep the human stressful side reasonably well in check.
Father, I am especially grateful for the help you sent me this month - well, for August. And I thank you for being patient with me when I worry. I do know that you will continue to take care of me and the house, but I also know you realize I am your human child and because of that, I do worry, at least a little. Thank you, again, for everything.  

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