Wednesday, April 23, 2014

About Faith and How It Tests Us

Actually, I had corn-silk blonde hair as a child, until I hit 11 or 12, so this sort of looks like me in my innocent years.

I haven’t been posting a lot about my own spiritual journey lately. I was afraid that some level of concern would come through and give the wrong impression. I have had moments of fear and even doubt. But I think that those times are the times we most need to just depend on “blind faith.”

I have a favorite two-line prayer-of-sorts:

Two or three minutes, that’s a lot
Then it’s time to get off of the pity pot!

That’s about all I try to allow myself. My next reaction, usually, hopefully, is to ask myself, “Ok, so what is my next step?”

Anyhow, at 74, I have plenty of tough times to look back on and reflect on how God got me out of this situation and that one. Looking back, it is so easy to see his hand in my life.

Knowing that, I try to remind myself of the old saying, “This, too, shall pass.”

Sometimes it is difficult. I’m happy to be a female and not ashamed to weep when I need to. Weeping is a great de-stressor. It is far healthier than holding feelings, worries, emotions inside and letting them sour the stomach or body. So, yes, at times I even cry a bit. But even then, I do not let it last too long. At that point, it’s time to figure out the next step along the way.

Often that next step is simply a prayer that my eyes will be open to see that step. When we are worried, we are often blocked to solutions.

I sort of got away from where I started. Basically, life is tricky right now, but not impossible. Little by little, piece by piece, it is working out. I just need patience - and Faith - LOTS and LOTS of Faith!
Father, I love how you have helped me so many times in the past. I know that you have my back at all times. Please keep filling me with the grace and love and patience I need to just muddle along while you are working things out for me. You always have - you always will!  Thank you.

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