Sunday, August 11, 2013

Free Prayer Sunday - For a Job

A few days ago, I promised to begin sharing a free prayer from my self-published book, the Busy Person's Prayer Book, every Sunday.

I've decided to just march through the book in the way it is organized. The first few will relate to work and jobs.

Many times, when I was seeking work and not finding it, I realized that looking for work is a universal problem, and as old as humanity.  I remembered that even the Holy Family had its troubles, too.  I have often substituted the names of folks I care about, many times, in this little prayer.   

Please do not pass it around without giving credit to the author (me) and where it was published - a line like this will do: by Evelyn Mayfield, in the Busy Person's Prayer Book.

For a Job
Father, you helped the carpenter when
He fled to Egypt and back again
Please help me find a job to do
Like Joseph, we rely on you.

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