Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jesus, My Role Model for Troubled Times

Today, I realized that it is just a few days over two weeks from the day when we celebrate the birth of Christ. I really should be doing more reflecting and meditating on that upcoming day and what it means to me, personally.

For me, the fact that Jesus lived here on earth, in a human body and with human emotions and facing human turmoil, means that he completely understands anything and everything that I, too, face each day.

True, he didn't have today's technology to deal with. But there have always been human greed, lust, jealousy, anger, and all the other things, great and small, that we battle each day.

I know this and it helps me when I remember it. However, I tend to forget it until after I need the memory and the knowledge.

There is an acronym, WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?), which I should really focus on more often in my daily life. It would help. I know this because it has helped in the past. I wrote about it September of '09 in "Why I Love This Acronym." I also added a wee little hanging min-sign, with those letters on it, to my Etsy shop, in April of this year, and wrote about that, too.

After a few months, I wrote the little verse, below, to put on little cards to include with each little sign I shipped out. I wrote about that in August this year.

However, I must now help myself by placing one of these little signs where I can see it more clearly, and I must keep one of those cards where I can read it often.

Unfortunately, we humans are very easily distracted and focusing on a spiritual plane takes a real effort. So, being a practical problem-solving type of person, I need to make it easy on myself to do this. Both the sign, and the little verse, should do that for me.

Feel free to put the verse wherever you, too, might need it. Just remember that if and when you write it up, or print it, or send it to anyone, that you include the copyright line. I hope it helps you as it has always helped me. You could substitute the words, "This of these letters and ask" in the third line if you don't have a sign.

WWJD Mini-Signs
When you reach a point in daily life
Where your next step confuses you
Look at this little sign and ask,
"What Would Jesus Do?"
(c)2012 Evelyn Mayfield

Sweet Jesus, you are my idol, my role model and my savior. Please remind me often that I can follow your example many times throughout the day. You never complained; you didn't judge or gossip or feel sorry for yourself. Fill me with the grace I need to remember these things at the moments when I most need to do that.

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