Sunday, August 26, 2012

WWJD Verse Added to my Shop Item

Back on April 10, I added a new little item to my faith-related gifts in my Etsy shop. It is a hanging mini-sign stitched with yarn onto plastic canvas with the letters WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?).

Today, it occurred to me that some folks might not quite be sure how to make it relate to their daily lives.

So, me being me, and being a person who can't help making 4-line rhymed verse at a moment's notice, I made up a verse to clear that up. Here's the verse...

WWJD Mini-Signs
When you reach a point in daily life
Where your next step confuses you
Look at this little sign and ask,
"What Would Jesus Do?"
(c)2012 Evelyn Mayfield

I placed the verse on a business-sized card and will include it with each of these that is sold. This adds to the value because it makes a nice gift that way. I added a note to the descriptions to explain that the card will be included, why, and what it says.

I pack each mini-sign in a snack-size zippered plastic bag and now I can include the little card in the baggie and it will make a nice gift packet to give to those dealing with a lot of stress in their lives.

Now tomorrow, I will take photos of three more signs I just made in other colors and I will add those to the shop.

I love making these and I am thinking of putting the chart and instructions in my shop and/or on my blog.

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