Monday, February 13, 2012

God's Little Food Gifts Yield Great Benefits

I've mentioned before that I pray often during the day. Not down on my knees, but more like quick little notes to him. This morning, I was sitting for a moment after a quick breakfast of hot oatmeal. I always toss in some of those raisins that come in mini-boxes in a six-pack - I use half a box per serving of oatmeal. And I add a few shakes of cinnamon sugar that I have in a shaker on the counter, plus a splash of milk, perhaps 1/4 cup. I felt so comfy and cozy after the warm cereal.

I remember praying in gratitude, thanking him.

"Thank you, Lord, for the grains of the earth, for my oatmeal. Thank you, for the fruit of the vine and bushes and trees. Thank you for the spices which enhance the flavor, and for the milk-bearing animals.

I thought about each item because I realized how much they all meant to me at that moment.

The oats are extremely good for us. We all know that these days. I have oats, either in hot cereal or in cold cereal, at least six days a week.

The fruit is also good for us. In my case, the raisins, at 72, are not only good for additional iron, but for other benefits as well. When I have cold cereal, I add other fruit - whatever is in season and cheap at the market. I often also cut canned fruit into bite sized pieces and keep it in the fridge for that reason.

The cinnamon is also known to have benefits for our health. The milk is one of our main food groups.

It's amazing how one little bowl of hot cereal could generate all those thoughts of how God takes care of us and provides all these goodies for us to choose from.

Father, please forgive me for not thanking you sooner for your wonderful gifts. I am grateful that these things grow so abundantly on this earth for our use. Help me to always choose that which is best for this body on loan to me.

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