Sunday, September 25, 2011

Plain and Simple Thanks for a Good Day

I needed to post in the Prayer area of my blog tonight but I could not come up with any fresh ideas. I reviewed my day in my mind. It was not a bad day. It wasn't a great day, but I realized that "not bad" was in its own way a "good" day.

I have had many, far too many, truly bad days. I don't mean bad in my attitude. I try to keep that in check. But life itself is very often rough on some of us. I often say that I can handle anything God allows to land in my path, but I'd sure appreciate some smooth ground in between the rocks and boulders once in a while, to rest and recharge for the next round.

Yep, today was not bad at all. No real crisis emerged, and that is truly good. I made a wasted trip to pay one bill on the used car loan and even though here in our resort town, those places are usually open on a Sunday, I didn't find them open. So, I wasted time and gas. I'll have to make a special trip, very quick, in the morning before my nephew takes the car for work at ten. They open at 9:30 so it will be really close - I'm a-praying that they are ready and not just walking around talking to each other.

Still, this is just a minor annoyance compared to some things we really have needed to deal with in the past. We had a reasonably good breakfast, lunch and dinner. No steak and eggs, of course, but reasonably, passably good.

Being the Lord's Day, I tried to focus on him today, on good works and such. Luckily, I had enough yarn in so that I could begin a charity crafting lap cover. I even managed an hour's nap along the way.

Yep, it was not a bad day. Time for me to acknowledge that and be truly grateful.

Thank you, Sweet Jesus, Holy Father, and Holy Spirit, for a good day. Help me to keep my eyes open for the good times, and fill me with the grace to acknowledge those times with humble and joyous gratitude.

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