Today's project comes from Melissa at Bursts of Creativity and her link is here.
It involves nothing more than buttons. It is a wonderful way to recycle all those buttons you cut off shirts, dresses, and other clothing before you toss them away. You DO cut them off, don't you? If not, you will from here on in.
You'll start tossing found buttons into a Pringles canister. You'll pick up tins or jars of buttons at garage sales. You'll be snatching interesting buttons off your friends' clothing when they're not looking. This could be addictive.
Everybody can use another magnet, especially a small, tailored one. Or a small elegant one with a vintage look. Or a funky one. You get the drift.
The trims can be as varied as your imagination and stash of "stuff." Melissa uses rhinestones for accents. You could get rid of some fabric rosebuds, foamies or other trims. Whatever works will work.
Put them in complementary trios into a zippered plastic baggie for a little gift. You could also use up some of those earring, ring, pendant, and other jewelry boxes you've been saving, to pack them into sets for giving.
Button, button, who's got the button? You do, and so will the folks you give these great magnets to!
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