Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Facebook vs Blog

Less than a month ago, I finally gave in and set up a Facebook account. I did it mostly to increase exposure to my Etsy shop and to keep up with a handful of friends.

There is a big difference between posting on FB and posting to a blog. I truly prefer the blog posts. I can take the time to get a point across in a blog post. On FB, I must be incredibly brief.

Another drawback is that when I follow someone's blog, I can easily find their various topics. On FB, I can barely read all of the day's posts. Shoot, I can't even read all the posts in a given hour.

I honestly do not have enough time to devote to FB in my already busy day.

I'll keep it, I suppose, but it will never have the same draw for me that it does for many of my friends. I'd rather "talk" with you, one on one, on this blog, than toss a rapid-fire blurb into the millions of other blurbs already out there.

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