Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I've been thinking about changing the name of this part of my blog from Prayer to Faith. I don't always talk about prayer even though I always end a post with a prayer. It is more like a journey of faith, sharing what I learn along the way. I always hope it will help someone else, as well.

Anyhow, this afternoon, our senior mobile home community had a power transformer burst and we were all without power for over two hours. Now, in Vegas, we were over 100-degrees at that moment. This meant that many elderly people were without cold water and without air conditioning. It also left more than a few without their oxygen concentrators and other medical equipment. Some live alone and were worried that they would have a hard time getting around in the dark if it lasted longer than a few hours.

Our household worried along with others about food spoilage as well. But several came out of their homes to alert others. I called as many as I had telephone numbers for. Most of us just wanted to let the others know that it wasn't just their home, that it was an entire group of homes. Our people tend to panic when this happens, thinking it is only their home and then calling a repairman ASAP. We each tried to reassure the others.

Along the way, I prayed, as well, that no one would suffer any severe problems because of it. The fact that it took just a little over two hours to get it back on, well, to us, knowing past instances, that was a wee miracle.

Dear Lord, thank you for hearing all our prayers and for looking after those who were frightened during this time. Be with us always, and protect and assist us in time of worry and stress. Most of all, continue to bless us with the gift of faith.

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