Sunday, March 6, 2011

Incredible Luxuries

I have almost always slept in small chunks. Even now. Currently, five days a week, I sleep from 4 am to 6 am (2 hrs) and from 9:30 pm or 10 pm to 1 am (3-1/2 to 4 hrs). I add to that some one-hour naps here and there during the day to make 7 or 8 hours daily.

On one such hourly nap today, I stretched on the couch. I looked to see that Tigger was okay - he was asleep on Jane's old lift chair. I fluffed and scrunched a pillow beneath my head. I pulled an afghan up to my chin. The Bourne Ultimatum played low-volume on the boob-tube in the background.

I nestled, stretched, smiled, and realized this was another of God's incredible luxuries.

I often thank him for these sweet pleasures, each one a small oasis in life's troubles.

I've never wished for luxuries like furs or jewels or exotic trips. But I would really love to pay my bills on time. I would really love to be able to drive to see my brother and his wife in the next state, now and then. I would love to fly back to Philly to see, just once, the group of girls left from my Class of '57 (high school).

Wishes can be tricky, so I try to heed the old advice to be careful what you wish for.

These days, I'm far happier and I have many more moments of inner peace when I spend my energy on being grateful for God's incredible luxuries. Did you notice I didn't say moments of "peace," but rather, "inner peace"? There is a world of difference.

There again,- inner peace in yet another of God's incredible luxuries.

Thank you, dear Lord, for all the wonderful incredible little luxuries you send my way. Please don't ever stop. I will try to always be grateful.

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