Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nice Side Effect to Winter Crocheting (and Knitting)

I've discovered a nice side effect to crocheting in the winter. Warmth.

Even though Vegas doesn't get sub-zero temperatures, we are still in a desert climate. We get very high winds (50 mph is not unusual), dampness even when it is not raining (the rain gets stuck on the mountains but the dampness filters down), and just a bit below freezing at times (28F is probably the lowest I've experienced in my 17 yrs here).

Add to that, we're currently in an old double-wide mobile home (a '78) that is quite drafty in some rooms, and not as well-insulated as the newer models.

Some days, it is very chilly inside, even with the thermostat at 77, and even wearing more clothing than we typically wear inside in Vegas.

But when I am crocheting, just the simple routine movement of the hands and arms, moving to get more yarn, moving the project around on my lap, reaching to get the pattern to read it again, moving a post-it to mark a row - all of this is still movement of a kind. And it makes me warmer when I am doing it.

It's even better if I work larger projects in the winter. This is a great time to have an afghan, large shawl, or even a nice wide, long scarf, in progress.

Yep, I'm happy to have ended up as a crocheter, especially in the winter.

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