Friday, January 21, 2011

Good Intentions

Thank heaven for a God who is always there when I need him. I am strongly aware that I am not nearly as considerate of him - I started this blog, at least the Prayers area, with the firm intention of posting a spiritual thought every night. That was at least two years ago. Lately, I have been sadly lacking in my keeping my promise.

God, however, has never been out of touch when I need him. So, tonight, no matter how brief this post, I am going to try once again to keep my promise.

Mostly, tonight, I am thrilled to share that I can finally, once again, kneel to say my prayers. I was up on two feet about two weeks ago, and am getting around better and better each day. But the fact that I can kneel once again for my prayers is even more thrilling than being up on those two legs, standing on both feet.

Father, thank you for your loving generosity and your eternal protection and care; forgive me for the times when I intend to keep my promises to you but, instead, I get sidetracked. Fill me, please, with all the grace and gifts I need to keep trying.

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