Friday, November 12, 2010

Sorry for slow posts...

Thank you for your kind wishes. The pain is very low right now, thank heaven. Today is the 3rd day after surgery and I've weaned myself from the Vicodin except for 2 a day (morning and night) until my checkup on Monday.

The most trouble I have, and one of the areas I need prayers for, is physical exertion. My mobile home is carpeted except for the little kitchen and pantry, so the knee walker is slow-going, which isn't a bad thing, but it does take a bit more pushing. Backing up to a chair before I can sit down is very tricky - I must be careful to not "squish" my foot between the knee-walker and the chair, then do a balancing act transferring to the chair, being careful to get my nether parts safely on board.

The other area is my outside ramp which I expected to be a breeze. Well, it is, in a way. This walker just SAILS down that thing. I had to grab the side railings of the long ramp and hold on tight and guide the knee-walker with my knee. My middle-aged nephew wondered why I wasn't using the hand-brake and sort of "pumping" it like when you ride a bike. Well, sheesh, this dumb bunny, at 71, has NEVER ridden a bike! I'm gonna try it again, with a big burly dude in front of me, of course, and see if I can get the hang of it.

Hugs and prayers to you all.

1 comment:

Peach Rainbow said...

I just had to 'google' "knee walker" 'coz I had no clue what it is!
May God make it easy for you - take care!