Friday, October 1, 2010

My Tendency to Criticize

I have a tendency to criticize. I usually don't think of it that way. I usually kid myself into thinking I am just "observing" something or other when I share what I should admit is gossip. I also kid myself into thinking I am "sharing" something with some folks when what I guess I really am doing is trying to make them into something I want, instead of accepting them for what they are.

I've admitted these things to myself, once in a while. Once in a while, I've prayed for the grace to be able to overcome these annoying tendencies. What really bothers me about this trait in me is that, at least, in the gossipy areas, I could unintentionally hurt someone. There's never any way of knowing how far something I have have told someone else, about someone else, how far that bit of gossip will go. Or how much it will grow.

What I have to start doing is to try to stop the words before they come out of my mouth. I need to catch myself and ask myself, "Is this really going to help in any way?" or "Am I really sure this is the truth?" or "Is it really necessary to say this?" If I can learn to do that, I might have a chance of overcoming this annoying habit.

And it is a habit. Only that. When friends meet, it's common to share tidbits of info that we've learned since the last time we were together. However, there are many, many more things to discuss than items which can damage someone's reputation without helping the situation.

Dear God, forgive my too-freely-spoken words and guide me, as often as I need it, so that I can overcome this possibly harmful habit of mine; send all the grace I need for this, and I know I need a lot.

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