Friday, October 15, 2010

Life is Good

Even when life is bad, it is good. It is life.

I am blessed with all my senses in reasonably good working order. My middle-aged nephew has a blood clot in one eye which severely cuts his vision. My neighbor lost his eye in an auto accident when he was in his 20s. I have friends who cannot hear. I am blessed.

I am blessed with all my limbs in reasonably good working order. Never mind the arthritis, or the upcoming foot surgery, or the trick left knee; they are my limbs and they pretty much work. I have a dear friend whose son just came back from Iraq without his leg. He's young, has a young wife and new baby just a few months old. He is in severe pain, still trying to get to the point of whether they can even consider a prosthesis. The pain surely must cut into his enjoyment of his newborn and his wife, cut into his happiness at being home. So I am blessed.

I am blessed with a roof over my head, in a mobile home I've finally paid for. I make things for the homeless, the people who have no roof above them at night and who face untold dangers on the street. I am blessed.

I worry about my bills but I have a monthly Social Security check that so far, with my nephew's income, keeps us afloat. I know people who have had to move in with family, friendly or not, because their income is not enough for independent living. I know people who are on as many public programs as they can find, just to make ends meet to cover their grandkids, kids that their own children cannot take care of. I am blessed.

My computer is getting very old, almost nine years old now, and an XP. I worry about how long it will last. I know people without computers, and people who are computer-challenged, and people who couldn't afford one even if they could operate one. I am blessed.

Tonight, my Father, I go to sleep realizing how good you have been to me, in more ways than I have listed here; thank you, with all my heart.

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