Monday, October 18, 2010

Haste Makes Waste

I used to hate buzzwords like "proactive." Now I find myself using a lot of them because they "fit" a situation.

Many people hate clichés because they say they are trite. I do like coming up with my own phrases, but I also like using some clichés because they, too, fit a situation.

Many "sayings" were popular when I was growing up. Two, especially, meant the same thing but were said in different words: "Haste makes waste," and "More hurry, less speed."

I found myself, as usual, mid-morning, fluttering around from task to task, feeling as though I needed a rest for a few minutes, not long, just a few minutes. But I couldn't seem to find those minutes. I knew I was tired because I was beginning to drop things. Those two old sayings came to mind. I made myself sit. Then I wrote a little prayer which will probably end up in Vol. II of my Busy Person's Prayer Book. I'm including it here tonight. I only ask that if you pass it to anyone else, you ensure that my copyright notice is on it.

I hope this little prayer will help you in the same way that I know it will help me.

The Need for Balance
I hurry along from task to task
And can't seem to slow my pace
Please help me to balance my work and my rest
Please gentle my life with your loving grace.
(c)2010 Evelyn Mayfield

Dear Father, thank you for the words you send to my heart and mind from time to time. Thank you for trusting me to share them with others.

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