Monday, October 4, 2010

The Effects of Our Actions

One of the hardest things for we humans to realize is how much every one of our actions affect other people, and even more, the fact that these actions might affect many, many more people than we realize.

I have tried, often, these past few years, to remind myself of this. I try to remember that my good example, when I can give good example instead of doing the opposite, is very effective because I never know how many people are touched by it.

Today, one of my neighbors was deeply hurt by someone's actions. This neighbor just lost her husband today and someone almost immediately posted about it on Facebook. This poor woman hadn't even had a chance to properly notify all her friends and loved ones. Instead, many of them will have heard from the internet. Some of them might even be insulted by hearing in this way rather than from my neighbor directly.

We have to realize that in today's world, there are different ways to reach different people. Email is relatively private if you only put one name in Send. Phone calls are also private. However, Facebook and Twitter posts go out to the whole world.

This poor woman is devastated, twice-fold, today. First, by the loss of her husband. Second, by the betrayal of this confidential news and its publication too soon, on the web.

Father, please, please fill me with the grace and wisdom that I need so that I might not accidentally do something equally as hurtful, just by my not thinking things through; and please help my neighbor to be able to deal with this hurt, and counsel the person who posted so blatantly, that they might fully understand the extent of their actions.

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