Saturday, October 16, 2010

Attitude is Infectious

I wanted to do an upbeat post tonight. I thought about yesterday's post, and thought about people around me. Some are upbeat, but some definitely have negative attitudes. I have read some books and articles and heard some advisors and consultants who advise that we stay away from negative people. As a Christian, I have to disagree with that attitude a little. Jesus did not stay away from the worst of sinners, nor from people of negative attitude. But he was wise enough to avoid letting their attitudes infect him.

My normal attitude is definitely upbeat. I'm not a Pollyanna, but even when bad things happen, I try to shrug off the negative as quickly as I can, and start focusing on what I can do to start back uphill, to remain positive. So, how can I remain that way and not become infected by negative attitudes?

I don't seem to become easily infected by downbeat folks, but if they can infect others with their negativity, then perhaps I should work on infecting others with my positive nature. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Sorry to say, it is not so easy. Some folks refuse to allow themselves to get out of their bad moods or out of their pessimism. My concern is how to stay positive without appearing to be non-caring about their issues and worries. Some pessimists see optimism as an insult to them.

I'm going to rely on that popular modern phrase, I think: What would Jesus do? That is probably the best thing I can do for me, for them. Great solution. Now all I need to do is to remember to ask that when these occasions pop up.

Dear Lord, please bless me with the grace I need to try to follow your son's attitude if my attitude starts to slip because of those around me; and please bless others with this grace, too.

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