Monday, September 6, 2010

His Expectations of Me

Today, it seemed that I did nothing on my to-do list. Well, to be honest, I did some things. I did go out early to two markets and also gassed up the car. At the markets, I had to stock up on beverages - a 24-pack of Coke for my nephew, and 3 12-packs of generic diet sodas for me. This will last us quite a while. The thing of note is that they weigh a ton, or so it seems, when carrying up the few steps into the house. Those, plus a hefty sized bag of litter for the furry fellow. Of course, there were several plastic bags of groceries, too.

After I unloaded it all, I tossed in a load of laundry, and sat on the floor in the pantry to take the sodas out of their cardboard boxes and put the cans in the set of racks I have in a closet - they are very handy racks and I've always been grateful to Jane, a dear old family friend, for getting them for the household.

Anyhow, as I placed the cartons on the floor beside me, the three generic cartons felt very wet. Okay, I knew right away what that meant. A busted can. Soda all over the other cans. Up off the floor I yanked myself, and hauled the cartons to the sink in the kitchen, praying they wouldn't fall apart on the way. Rinsed all the cans. Hauled them back to the pantry. Finally got them away.

I did a few other things and thankfully, they all went much better than the soda-stacking went. The problem is that the burst-soda-can incident took more time than I had planned out of my day. That meant that some things just didn't get done.

As I grow older, I am beginning to finally accept the fact that things just don't always go as planned. I have to accept that the Lord has other plans for me, at times. He has his own to-do list for me. I'm not sure why he side-tracked me today with those soda cans, but obviously he needed me to not finish some things on my list. I'll just be content with that. It was out of my control, after all.

Father, thank you for helping me to accept that my to-do list is not the same as your to-do list; I will try again tomorrow to work my list, but not my will, but yours, be done.

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