Friday, September 10, 2010

Crochet Ripple Stitch Tips

Many crocheters love the basic ripple (or zig zag, or as my nephew calls it, "Sergeant's Stripes") pattern. Many times, we prefer just starting out and working it on our own, as we go along. To do this, we need to do a starting chain, with what is known as "tortuous multiples." Or at least, that's what I call the math required to do it. I love math. I've always been good at math. But figuring these, I'm always a few chains short or a few chains long.

Well, I found a great post with tips about how to do that starting chain and how to deal with extra stitches on that starting chain if we mis-count for our "multiples."

Basically, the tip said to make a starting chain about half-again as long as you wish the piece to be. Then, just work your hills and valleys. When you get to the last set, just cut off the extra chains! How simple is that? I really love it. But you really should read this post yourself because she has some great tips in general on this beloved pattern.

I hope you find it as helpful as I did. I just used her technique today, and I love it. Have fun!

Oh, and here are three other sites with quick-start or simple ripple patterns...

1 comment:

Sandie said...

Glad you enjoyed the post about ripples. Thanks for sharing the URL of my site. Enjoyed your other posts as well. God knows who to call on when there's a need to be filled. Looks like he dialed your number. :-)