Monday, July 19, 2010

My Cup Overfloweth

I have many, many things to be thankful for, and every night I thank the Lord for them.

However, today is the first time in a long time that I can say I feel truly happy. Most days, I am happy in bits and pieces when I remind myself of my blessings.

Today, I had a 1-month checkup at my primary care doctor's. Last month, my blood pressure was 170/90; today, between the med he gave me last month, and my own efforts, food-wise, I'm down to 110/80. I've also lost 2 pounds, the first I've lost in many years. He discovered from the labs that I am diabetic but because he is seeing positive results from my own dietary efforts, he doesn't think I'll need meds. He set me up for a Diabetes Management clinic next month, 3 Tuesdays in a row, 2 hrs each, morning, to learn about which foods to deal with. He also said he feels he can avoid giving me cholesterol meds because he had already seen a drop from my own efforts. Down the line he hopes to even take me off the blood pressure meds, once I lose a bit more weight and if the blood pressure stays low.

I've cut out my Pringles, Cheetos, and pretzels; the first 3 days were brutal for me but now I don't even crave them. Next, I cut out my chocolate except for the half-dollar size mini-York peppermint patty I have before bed each night. I always have a bowl of cucumber chunks in the fridge and some slightly softened carrot chips. I have one fruit yogurt a day and sometimes two. I have a bowl of oatmeal every day. I've finally stopped plopping I Can't Believe It's Not Butter into the oatmeal and traded it for a dollop of 2% milk.

So, I am extremely happy because of my good "health report card" and the prospect of a healthier me in the immediate future. This is the first time I have felt this happy and this hopeful in a very long time.

It doesn't mean that I've been depressed. I've just been very busy dealing with life, and keeping myself sane and as serene as possible.

Today, however, was different. I've been praying for guidance on the food issues and my health issues in general. I am very pleased with the outcome.

Father in heaven, thank you with all my heart for this happy, happy day. You started my life with a reasonably good body, and I almost ruined it through the years. I hope to give it back in better shape than it is at present, even though that's not as good as it could have been. Please continue to guide me in my health choices.

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