Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Re-starting When Stalled

Yesterday I posted about my having lost focus. The past few days, weeks, I've often had many hours when I managed to get things done, but there were not what I planned to get done. Today I feel much more on track. A miracle?

Not really. I've learned the hard way that just because something is not going right, that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. The trick is to re-start as soon as I recognize I am stalled. The danger, to my goals, and to what God expects me to do, is when I let those scattered moments take over and drown me in regret, self-pity, frustration.

I've learned, again, the hard way, that God always helps me get back up, get back on track, if I just ask for his help. I've become very comfortable with asking him for that help.

Dear Lord, once again, you've helped me pick myself back up and get back on track, doing, I hope, that which you trust me to do. Help me, please, to remember that you are there when I need your help, just as you sent help to Jesus when he fell under the weight of the cross. My cross is nothing compared to his, but I, too, need your help, many times in my journey.

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