Saturday, July 4, 2009

How Does a Blog Differ from a Diary?

I think I finally figured out how to get special posts on just special pages in my blog. Blogger’s help pages clued me to include special tags before the post and immediately at the end of the post. If this works, maybe everything will stay where it’s supposed to be.

Meanwhile, I am seriously going to re-attempt to post each and every night. It is something that satisfies me. It makes me think about my life, my goals, what has happened that day, what I’ve learned from what happened that day, and, yes, even what I wish I had learned from what happened that day.

Blogs originally began as online journals, which, to me, is another way of saying an online diary. The only difference between personally written pen-on-paper diaries is that we have to always remember that our online journal, or blog, is not under lock-and-key in a dresser drawer, but out there on the worldwide web to be viewed by - yep, the whole wide world. It means we need to be careful.

Other than that, it is the same thing and it accomplishes the same thing - thinking about our lives and trying to make sense of them.

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