Monday, July 27, 2009

Helping Others the Easy Way

Helping others does not have to be a burden which we resent. I have found that if I offer to help with things that are easy for me to do, I am happy to do it and the person I help seems to think I am wonderful. How great is that?

There are times that my help is needed but it is inconvenient or a downright burden. But when I offer to help the easy way, I can do far more, more often, and then the more difficult situations do not wear me out so much.

For example, I don't mind driving someone here or there when I have the time. Sometimes I cannot fit it in, but the times I can, the folks are so grateful, and I am grateful that God placed them in my path.

Another thing I don't mind doing is directing folks to the right solution. Many times, because I write and edit our community newsletter every month (over 400 mobile homes), folks think I know everything. So they call me with questions about everything. I have always been a sponge for trivia, and always had a knack for digging out information. It is easy, therefore, for me to find them a number to call, a next step for them to take. Again, they are so happy, and that makes me happy.

Life is difficult at times, so it is so satisfying to be able to help, just a little, and yet find that it ended up helping a lot.

Thank you, my Lord, for the skills and abilities you have given me, and helping me to see how they can help the folks you place in my path.

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