Friday, June 26, 2009

Time Flies

My two giveaways are still active, from 6/23 to 6/30. Scroll down to the 6/22 posts to see both, or click on Prayer (free signed copy of my paperback, The Busy Person’s Prayer Book) for the one and Crafts (free Home Sweet Home sign in plastic canvas) for the other. Good luck.

Independence day is fast approaching; half the year is almost gone. Time flies when you are almost 70. Time flies when you are even younger. Our days are busy, filled with tasks we often cannot complete because we set impossible goals. Days pass so quickly that I rip the pages off the calendar so fast that I don’t even see the pictures anymore.

Bottom line - there is no way to re-capture lost moments. When making lists for the next day, I must try to build in a few moments (hours are seldom possible) for peace for myself. If I don’t do it, nobody else will.

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