Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Leelou Blog Templates

I just love the looks of my re-furbished blog. The little birds are so perky but subdued and restful. I am so happy that I accidentally found Leelou's site. Leelou’s blog templates are great. I got the horizontal link bar from them and chose a free layout for my background with the 2-column sidebar style. You really need to go “window shopping” on that blog, my friends (see the link at the top of this page). If you have a Blogger site, you will probably fall in love with the possibilities they can open up for you. Thanks, Leelou!

I still have to figure out why, when I tagged my Giveaways posts with “giveaways” tags, they did not show up on the Giveaways page. Maybe I need to delete that link and start over. I also have to figure out why Blogger puts everything on my Home page and I only want things with a Home tag to end up there. So, I have some tweaking to do. Please be patient while I work it out.

Meanwhile, folks can find the Busy Person’s Prayer Book Giveaway on the Prayer page and the Home Sweet Home Giveaway on the Craft page.

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