Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Little Things...

Lately, because of the illnesses and troubles of some loved ones, I have become more aware of how blessed I am. Oh, I have troubles myself, of course. Plenty, to be sure. But when I look at those troubles in comparison with some others I know, I am blessed.

When I washed my hair today, at the sink (long story), I realized that my sister, and also my long time friend, both of them, could no longer do that for themselves. My sister, because of her Parkinsons, cannot stand on her own two legs without falling or without assistance. My friend, because of her COPD, gets out of breath to a dangerous degree if she leans over the sink to do that.

In addition, I realized I can dress myself, I can walk around without much more than a limp, some aches in one knee, and some bunchy, cranky toes on one foot, and I have, so far, not much in the way of memory problems. Both of these women should be so lucky.

I realized as I was moving quickly through the 54 ft. long mobile home to grab the phone that they could no longer do that. I had been irritated that one phone jack was not working and I had to scurry quickly to catch the Caller ID before the four rings were up. Realizing that they could no longer do that, my problems seem much less.

There is much more that I am only now becoming grateful for, but the things I just mentioned started this train of thought.

It seems only right for me to thank God for all he has given me, and ask for his forgiveness for my complaining.

Father, thank you for everything you have blessed me with; forgive me, please, for not appreciating it more often, and, please, bless these ladies with patience and peace during their suffering.

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