Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Answers to Prayers

There were many times in the past when I give up before a prayer was answered. These days, I try even when the answer almost certainly looks like “No.” My view is that I must at least show God that I am trying to have faith and continue on with whatever I can do in a situation, even if he does say “No.” Many times, he does answer in a happy way once I’ve shown him that I am trying to do my part, too.

My financial issues are legend, as they are for far too many of us right now. Too many of us are paying utilities on the final disconnect date. Too many of us are robbing Peter to pay Paul, and finding out that even Peter has no more that we can get from him. All our usual sources have dried up. We take money that is meant for one payment and use it for a different payment. Then we find that we are stuck in a quicksand of our own making, all because we tried to keep afloat.

When that happened, in a very scary way, this past couple of days. I was really about to give up. Still, I kept my mind open, hoping to hear the words he would whisper that would lead me to dry ground. I gently went over the possibilities. I made mental lists of the resources I could use to generate a little income here and a little more there. It did not look as though it would be nearly enough, and definitely not quickly enough.

Then, tonight, I got a call from one source I had tried earlier, on the weekend. This source had turned me down. Now, it turns out that it will come through. Oh, it won’t make me solvent, but it sure will take care of a chunk of what was needed to save a situation. And, if I am smart, I will still follow through on those other avenues for income, small though they might be. What’s that old saying? Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

Thank you, Dear God, for your help, for trusting me with these funds; guide me to wise use so that I might not make the same mistake twice.

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