Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How Can I Thank Him Enough?

Some days, little things happen that are extraordinary and I feel my mere thanks are not enough to send to the Lord. Tonight, at an association meeting, I took four of my books (The Busy Person’s Prayer Book) because they were requested at last month’s meeting. Actually, only two were requested. I took the other two and I wasn’t sure why.

All four sold so fast my head spun. What an incredible feeling. Not the sale; not the money which I desperately need. No, what felt so good was that they felt my prayers were worth it. They weren’t even my prayers, most of them. Many of those words came straight from the Lord, from the Spirit. But it felt good to know that these people felt the words would help them in their daily lives. The sharing felt good.

I had high hopes for lots of sales this holiday season. The timing is way off. They won’t be available for book store ordering until the end of next month. Still, I can order them myself, and folks can also order online. I realize now that God must feel the holiday competition is too fierce right now and I just need to build momentum early next year.

So, tonight, I need to thank him for helping me to be patient while he works it out, and to thank him for nudging me into taking those extra books with me for the folks who suddenly decided they needed and wanted them.

Thank you, my Lord, for the wonders of your love and your blessings; please forgive me for the times I am too self-centered to see those blessings or to thank you for them.

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