Once in a while, I become bored with my favorite old patterns. We all have projects we love to do, and eventually, we become bored with them. I can’t stop myself, though. When I’m tired, or tense, or just need to be “doing something, anything at all,” I start one of the old favorites. Often, I realize I am tired of it but it happens to be a pattern that I know so well, it’s simple for me to do easily and without a lot of work.
Lately, I’ve been trying to vary those old favorites by changing the colors I normally use, or the yarn, thread, or other material. Sometimes I change it by using a different hook size. All these things work.
Oldies can still be goodies with just a little variation.
Thank you, Father, for all the ways I can vary my works so that they are still enjoyable to make, enjoyable to give or sell, and enjoyable for whoever eventually receives them.
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