Friday, July 18, 2008

Craft Swaps and Exchanges

Swaps and Exchanges are very popular now. They have been part of the Crafting community on the internet since at least the 80's, that I know of personally. These groups have fun and learn new techniques by trading items with each other. A member will sign up for, say, a “coaster exchange”. They are paired with another member, and each one sends to the other. It is fun because we get to see each other’s work. We also receive “stuff” in the mail, something most folks like. And we get things we often forget to make for ourselves.

Swaps go way back. I remember in the 40's, seeing ads and letters in the back of my mother’s needlework magazines. I asked her what they were. Women would write and ask for people to send “friendship quilt squares” or “state squares.” Basically, they were swapping these squares with each other and eventually had the pieces for an entire quilt or afghan, from all over the country.

Of course, in those days, it took a very, very, very long time to gather them all. You’re talking about everything being done “snail mail.” Many of these women lived on farms with limited contact with others who shared their hobbies and crafts. It was a joyful exchange. It still is.

If you get a chance, and you love a certain craft, check places like Yahoo for their Groups, and find one you like and join. Have fun.

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