Sometimes the simplest handmade items are the most fun to make and a surprising joy to the recipients or buyers. I’ve made lots of little “gifts” on the spur of the moment.
When I wanted to send my brother a money-gift for his birthday one year, I needed something clever. I searched the Internet for instructions for “dollar rings” that I’d seen through the years. When I found some sites for money origami, I found one I liked even better than the ring - a cute dollar-shirt, complete with collar and sleeves. It’s now one of my favorite token gifts.
Another time I wanted to send something to my sis in long-term care, to give to the staff who takes care of her every day, and to some of the lonelier residents. I happened to see a plastic container of self-adhesive foam hearts. There were white, pink and red ones, in three sizes. I had a blast peeling and sticking trios of hearts in all kinds of color combinations. To some, I attached magnets; to others, sticky-back pins. I will try to post a photo on my “photobucket” site this weekend (see link on this page). I think I still have a few left. The main thing is, it was fast, it was easy, and it was fun. Plus, the people who got them really loved them. I have done this with snowflakes and other shapes, too. It’s low-cost and easy.
There are other ideas, too, and I’ll share them here, off and on. The main thing is that I do not worry about whether it’s a kid’s craft or an adult craft. If the end result is something that will be liked and used, I give it a try. Dear God, help me to always keep my eyes and heart open to possible ways to brighten someone’s day.
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