Here in southern Nevada, our nights will soon be very hot. Many nights, we’ll never get below 90, and some nights will be hotter than that. I’m looking forward to making lots and lots of quickies. It will be much too hot to have an agfhan lying in my lap as I work on it.
I get bored easily. Today’s world is a wonderful world for anyone involved in crafts. It takes only a few mouse-clicks to find fresh patterns and ideas. What I do need is some new crochet hooks. Some of mine are so old that their sizes are worn off and I know them only by their color (which is wearing off of some of them, too!) and their familiarity. Some of mine have disappeared into the dark hole of unfinished projects. By the time I find the hook, the partially-completed project, and the pattern, my gauge and tension will be off and I’ll have to rip out the item and start over. But I’ll gain the yarn or thread back and I’ll get my misplaced hook(s) back.
Many of the small, quick projects I’ll be working on during the hot weather will be for the year-end holidays. Even if I don’t buy anything else, I’ll probably buy some holiday yarns and threads. I can do that any time of the year, thanks to the Internet. My DM would have loved that!
Father in heaven, may we never forgot who created the minds who created the Internet and its conveniences.
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