Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Craft-y Words

Words are important and the right word is even more important. For example, I do not consider myself “talented.” I do consider myself “skilled.” I’m not quite sure why I make that distinction when talking about my ability to do handcrafted work. But I know the difference when I see it. Someone who is skilled at a craft does good work, maybe even fine work. Someone, however, who is talented turns out extraordinarily wonderful work.

When I became a writer, or when I first acknowledged that I was a writer (because I was always a writer), I was thrilled to be able to talk about my having a writer’s “curiosity.” Ever since I could see things, I was told I was “nosy.” When I was ethically eligible to change that “nosiness” to “curiosity,” that was really great. I had arrived!

But talent versus skill makes me wonder. To me, talent is a God-given gift, an amazing treasure. To me, a skill is something I have learned. I don’t think I have that knack, that inner “thing” that makes my work amazing and wondrous. I have seen work like that, though. My mother’s work. The work of the women listed in my links, Ceci and Micki. And many, many others. I do have skill, and I enjoy using it. I’m so grateful that God guided me, always, toward improving that skill.

Thank you, Dear God, for guiding me gently, firmly in the steps I took to learn my skills.

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