Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Great Stuff from Work at Home Charity Crafters This Year!

We received some great items from our work at home gals this year, including 4 more lap covers for the VA, bringing our total, so far, to 11.

A while back, we received some needed things for the homeless from one of our team: 5 scarves, 7 hats, for the homeless...

This gal makes the warmest hats ever and she is the only one of us who makes great long pocket scarves. We are always glad for her contributions!

The other gal dropped off the 4 lap covers for the VA, plus 8 hats, 3 scarves, and 4 glovs for the homeless, and 11 baby hats and 4 baby jackets for Baby's Bounty.

These came in while my camera still needed fresh batteries, so no pix this time.

Almost time to pack some more 13 gallon bags for the closet for later distribution.

Rolling along...

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