Sunday, November 16, 2014

What “Only 38 Days Until Christmas” Means to a Crafter

Today, I head on the news that there are only 38 days until Christmas. 

When I was still working outside the home, and getting paid every two weeks, I would have immediately done the math and realized that meant I only had two (or three, depending on the pay day structure) pay days until Christmas.

As a Crafter, it makes my fingers itch. 

That’s not nearly long enough to make all the things I want to make for those I want to give something to. Even the small, token items, or what we might call stocking-stuffers, still take time and effort, if we are making them by hand.

Yep, it makes my fingers itch, and even though I am not a headache-person, it makes me think I should be getting a headache at this time just thinking about it.

But to be truthful, I sort of love the excitement of the challenge every year. It has to be fun and loving or else it would not matter and I would not do it. 

Some of my reasons for making things by hand for holiday gift-giving are financial. There is always the fact, as well, that I just love crafting and always loved making things for gifts. I’ve loved doing that ever since I was a little girl. 

Part of the fun, also, is in choosing what to make for each individual.

And, some of the joy comes from the friends and loved ones who truly do enjoy what I give them, no matter how small or inexpensive, simply because I did take the time to do it.

So, yes, I only have 38 more days to accomplish it all, but what a wonder-filled 38 days (and nights) they will be!  

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