Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Love the Russian Join for Invisibly Joining Two Yarn Strands

One of our earliest charity crafting members, Ingrid, passed away about a year after our group began. At that time, she tried to teach us the weaver’s knot. When Ingrid did it, it looked easy. The rest of us felt all fumble-fingered with it. We were looking for a way to join one strand of yarn with another.

In crochet, there are times you can crochet right over the ends of the two strands. Other times, the pattern will easily disguise a knot if it is tight enough. Still other patterns force you to just wait and use a yarn needle and weave in the ends.

Finally, I have fallen in love with the Russian Join.

I have seen this mentioned many times online. None of the instructions made it very plain to this old broad.

THEN I found this tutorial at Lion Brand a this link. I pinned it, too, so I wouldn’t lose it.


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