Sunday, April 20, 2014

Free Prayer Sunday - Craving Appreciation

I’m not usually someone who needs to be thanked constantly. Still, there are times when I admit that it would be nice to hear those words from certain people.  When they do not come, and their absence makes me feel unappreciated, these words help me to put things in perspective.

I'm marching through my self-published Busy Person's Prayer Book, front to back. This prayer is from the category, My Faults. Earlier, I posted prayers from the Work category (about jobs, layoffs, etc.), prayers from the Helping Others (homeless, terminally ill, etc.), and Hurting Others (judging others, etc.) categories. 

Craving Appreciation
Whenever I need to be appreciated
Remind me, Father, of your Son
How no one appreciated what He did
Yet he still did what had to be done.

Please do not pass it around without giving credit to the author (me) and where it was published - a line like this will do:   by Evelyn Mayfield, in the Busy Person's Prayer Book

The book is available for download for less than $4.

Upcoming free prayers in this category, My Faults, include the following prayers:
To End Procrastination

At the top of this page, simply click on Free Prayers what we've posted so far, or scroll down the right sidebar and click on that tag.  

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