Saturday, December 21, 2013

Freecycle - You Need to Check this Out!

Freecycle is has something for anyone with internet access. It is a site with local chapters in almost every city, or in a city nearby. As their home page says,

"It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by local volunteers (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by entering it into the search box above or by clicking on 'Browse Groups' above the search box. Have fun!"

When you apply to join your local group, you will be asked why you wish to join. Most folks say something to the effect that they want to get rid of their unwanted things and also find things someone else no longer wants but which they can use. Once they approve your application, which is very simple, you get an email with a welcome and instructions.

You can choose to receive individual daily posts or a daily digest of about 25 posts in a single email. I use the digest because we get a lot of posts here in Vegas.

They have 4 kinds of posts: OFFER, TAKEN, WANTED and RECEIVED.

In the past, we have received hub caps, an office-sized paper cutter, cat leash and collar, yarn, and much more, all free just for the effort of driving to the location and picking it up. I have given away tons of stuff, as well.

I have also met some wonderful folks who have become valued and treasured friends.

You should check out Freecycle - you will be surprised at what your locals have to offer... 

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