Friday, November 25, 2011

Freebie - Angel Verse to Include with Your Gifts

On May 24 in 2008, I posted a verse that can go with any "angel" gift you give this season. I'm re-posting it today, in time for this coming gift-giving season. It is a verse I wrote myself, so I do have one condition. Please be sure that my name goes with it as Author, at the bottom. That bottom line doesn't have to be big - it can even be 4-point type (LOL).

Other than that, feel free to print it on gift tags and tuck it in with any angel that you might give to an earthly "angel" this year, or anytime at all.

Oh, and although it says "made this Angel," if it is store-bought, just substitute "found this Angel" or "got this Angel."

And if you visit that 2008 post out of curiosity, please ignore the second comment. It mentions a website that I have sadly neglected and really must update.

Angels are His messengers
And our guardians, too
I made this Angel to protect
And keep watch over you.
(c) 2008 Evelyn Mayfield

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