Tuesday, September 11, 2012

When God Shakes Us Loose From Our Comfort Zone

I was thinking tonight about all the times that God has had to literally shake me loose from my existing comfort zone. I remember many of them. When these life-changing events happened, each time I thought they were the worst moments of my life. Looking back, days, months, or even years later, I saw God's wisdom. In each case, my life after the change was better than before the change.

One time was when I quit my 17-year drinking spree that had taken up my 20s and 30s. At the time, when I quit, I thought my life had ended because I thought I would no longer have all my friends. I didn't even know how to talk with people without alcohol as a booster. Afterwards, I found many new friends, better and truer friends, and gained a confidence I didn't know was in me.

Another time was when I was told I had Stage 3 Colon Cancer in '99. The surgeries, the year-long colostomy, the additional surgeries, all changed my attitude toward my priorities. Again, the change was good.

Then there was the time when we looked for a mobile home in '01, thought we found the perfect place, gave notice at our apartment, only to find out the day before money was to change hands that we had been lied to, royally, about the deal. The good thing was that it was caught before we paid the price, but we then faced finding a new place within two weeks - something we thought impossible. A week and a half later, we found our existing mobile home - we have been wonderfully happy with this choice the Lord made for us.

The reason I bring this up is because some dear friends are facing life changes and they are worried.

One is a mother who is watching her son's life uprooted and re-assembled. He is only 40-ish, and I know from experience that a life change at that point can ultimately lead to many years of a newer, better happiness if he, and his family, has faith and waits on God's timing and wisdom.

The other is an elderly friend who must now move in a bigger hurry than he prefers, to a situation that could give him happiness in his last years if he but has the patience to get through the change.

So, I will pray for these people, that they, too, will look back one day soon and see God's wisdom in the life-changing events they now face.

Father, please fill my friends with all the patience and grace they need to deal with these changes in their lives. Carry them in the palms of your hands over the rough spots, and set them down lovingly where you wish them to take root for their future lives.

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