Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Need Another Button on My Keyboard

Ok, for you inventive techies and geeks out there - I need another button on my keyboard.

I need an "Ooops!" button for when I am hitting Send on an email and I realize I have the wrong name in the To field.

I'm sure I am not the only person who has accidentally sent an email to the wrong person. Most times, this is no big problem. Occasionally, however, it can be a disaster.

The trouble is that most of us, especially me, do not notice the mistake until we have actually hit Send and it is fading from the screen.

1 comment:

  1. If you happen to find someone that can create such a button, please let me know. I definitely could have used it a few months ago when I accidentally replied to an email complaining about how long it took to get the information instead of forwarding it like I had intended. It was embarrassing.
