Saturday, September 15, 2012

One Reason I Love My Computer

While I was typing my post for the Prayer section of my blog tonight, I realized how much I love my computer. At 73, I can remember painfully my typing experiences from when I was young.

In my last year of high school, my DM urged me, ordered me, to take at least one year of typing. I hated the thought. I had no plans to do any office work. She said, however, that if I managed to get to college (our finances made that "iffy"), I'd need to type my papers.

Sullenly, I took the course. I almost flunked. I hated it. I was bad at it. In those days, we used carbon papers and manual typewriters. I had holes in the papers from constant erasures - no, my dears, white correction fluid was a sci-fi dream at that point. My jobs always seemed to require typing after that. The times when I needed to make five copies at once were horrific. Pulling each sheet forward, putting cardboard behind the other carbons, erasing and trying the keep the paper whole, it was a nightmare.

In the 80s, decades later, the first word processors were becoming common in offices. When I found out I could backspace and fix my errors on the fly, before they were printed, I was in love!

I'm not sure why I started this. Maybe it's because I hear a lot of folks my age fondly remembering more innocent times, before technology went wild. Well, there is no way I would want to go back to my early days and my battles with those manual typewriters. I love my computer and it is a lasting love!


  1. I've been web surfing for awhile and happen upon your blogpage because I wanted to see how to make the texting gloves. Very interesting. Also I love the way you have formatted your blog. It has prayers,crafts and other good things which I like. I looked forward to reading the rest of your posts. And your right we need to talk to the father when things are good or bad. I would like to follow you but I could not find your follow button.

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Beverly. I also thank you for your comment about my follow button. Over the years, I have added buttons and did not notice that my follow-buttons were being pushed to the bottom of the left scroll bar. I just moved them all to the top of the left scroll bar. There are various choices. I'm glad you like the combo of topics - several times I thought about changing that but my life revolves around these topics and I am happy to know that some of you are okay with this. Hugs and prayers for you and yours - Evie Mayfield

  3. I remember nearly flunking typing (keyboarding) in high school, and I was using a computer! It wasn't until I started typing my journals a few years after I graduated that I started to be good at typing. I can type pretty fast now without looking at the keyboard, but I still can't imagine life without backspace!
