Sunday, September 16, 2012

Crochet vs. Knitting and Hooks vs. Needles

First off, I seriously doubt I'll get that gallery page for quick-and-easy DIY Christmas gifts done by October 1st, the way I promised in a recent Craft post.

Today I found myself wondering why we tend to think everyone should understand everything we do, even if they are not into our interests or activities.

What triggered this was a cartoon one of our Friday morning charity crafters cut out and brought to us. It dealt, jokingly, with the difference between crochet and knitting. Basically, it showed someone getting very upset because her DH didn't know that if she held a hook, she was crocheting, and if she held two needles, she was knitting.

Many, many times I have crocheted in public while waiting for this or that. Many times, I said gently to someone who said something like, "Oh, my granny used to knit, too," that this was crochet, not knitting. It's no big deal, really.

Why do we insist that everyone must know everything about anything today? Is it because of the speed of the internet?

I used to want to try my hand at quilling. I had to explain, whenever I mentioned that desire, that it was not "quilting." They are two different crafts. But I do not expect everyone to know that. In fact, in explaining about both of them, I often spark interest in the listener about one or the other.

We crafters, especially, are usually a patient group of people So we should carry that forward whenever someone comments on our craft and offer an informative explanation when the opportunity arises.

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