Sunday, July 30, 2023

Charity Crafter Items Documented and Packed

I finally found the time to sort and document and pack the items we have finished so far this year. Usually, these days, we do not distribute these until October, except for the VA lapghans which can be any time.

Anyhow, here are some photos but they are not my best - I was in a hurry, it's hot in this back bedroom, and I wanted it finished and out of my way...LOL.

This is what I now have finished and stashed in the closet...


Hats                               39

Scarves                          29

Fingerless Gloves          28 pr


Hats                               44

Jackets                           20

Blankies                           3

VA     Lapcovers                        7

Some of our ladies are working from home these days but we are still rolling along...

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