Sunday, June 4, 2023

Additional Prayers Needed For Friend After Hip Surgery

We asked for prayers for long time friend who underwent hip surgery on 5/22 (see post here).

We need more prayers to help reduce her stress level. While recovering and doing therapy, the whole household went through a major home incident which I can't disclose. We all know that whether a major leak, repairs needed, car issues, whatever, a major issue that affects the whole household is stressful. This on top of her hip replacement recovery.

Please keep her and her loved ones/family in your heart and prayers while they all deal with both issues.

Sweet Lord Jesus, you know what life is here on earth. Please look gently and compassionately on this family and help them all to get through this stressful time of their lives. Bless them with whatever they need to endure and resolve it. And please bless those who take a moment to say a prayer for them. Jesus, we trust in you!

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